About the Case
This case-study examines China’s participation in the construction of the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway in Eastern Africa, but more specifically in Kenya. The stakeholders in the case study include the Kenyan Railways Corporation on Behalf of Kenya’s Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (KRC-MTI), the China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC), the East African Environment and Labor Alliance (EAELA), and the East African Community (EAC). The case-study analyzes China’s overall difficulties in the project including Kenya’s economic burden with the project, labor issues, environmental sustainability concerns, and China’s relations with the rest of the region.
The Second "Belt and Road Initiative Simulation Competition" was held on June 26, 2019 in Shanghai, China. 40 students from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Law School and Deakin Law School teamed up and participated in the competition.
The competition produced the Gold Award and Silver Award for teams, three Public Speaking Awards, and three Diplomatic Style Awards. The Kenyan Railways Corporation on Behalf of Kenya’s Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (KRC-MTI team represented by the Deakin University Law School in Australia won the Gold Team Award, and the EAELA represented by the Shanghai University of Finance & Economics Law School won the Silver Team Award.
Program of the Competition
Register for the program
Assign roles to participants and deliver guidebook to each participant.
Preparation Stage
Team-based research
Opening statement (Due three days before the simulation)
Prepare responses to other teams’ opening statements
Opening Ceremony (20 minutes)
Introduction of rules and judges (8 minutes)
Opening statement presentations (3 minutes for each team)
First Round (Formal Session) (40 minutes)
Pre-scheduled Bilateral Negotiation
Second Round (Informal Session) (40 minutes)
Ad-hoc negotiations
Team Break/Informal Communication (10 minutes)
Final Round (40 minutes)
Final quadrilateral negotiation
Final resolution with the consensus of all parties required to be produced
Closing Ceremony (10 minutes)
Evaluation and award-presenting ceremony
Concluding remarks